Ever heard of the saying, “life comes to you at the speed of lightning?” There’s no joke about how we envision ourselves in years to come and the actuality we experience when those years do arrive. The reality of managing unexpected outcomes can be daunting.
My last post was in 2021… that’s a very long time ago…and my journey since then has been a difficult one to navigate – forcing me to abandon writing and sharing. Three years ago, I felt driven though saddened… I was confident that God knew what He was doing and that He had a plan. I walked and lived in that confidence. Today, while I remain confident that God still has a plan because of His promises, humanly speaking, I became exhausted. Waiting seasons are tiring and that often makes a journey become questionable; during these times… nothing seems to make sense.
I am no expert at navigating difficult terrains, but I can share with you how I have been holding on to Hope. Here’s a quick look at some strategies that I have been using to help keep me afloat:
1. Be vulnerable with God: I know this may sound silly especially if you don’t consider yourself to have a strong connection with Him… but that’s just it! Even without a strong connection, you are His child and being vulnerable with Him will get you connected on a different level. It’s ok to tell Him exactly how you feel… whether you’re feeling angry, disappointed, or downright frustrated… it’s ok to vent to Him. He told us in 1 Peter 5:7 to give all our worries and cares to Him, for He cares about us. So I do just that… literally!
2. Still feed your inner man: Whatever we tell ourselves through difficult days matters. Since we are body, soul, and spirit even when we become tired, we have to feed our inner spirit. Sure there are days when I’m cast down and don’t want to put out the extra effort to feed myself… but at the end of the day… I need to. Whatever we feed our spirits with is what will sustain us through these seasons. Scripture tells us that the thief’s purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10) and when we are tired, it’s a lot easier for us to become target boards. We must guard our hearts. So… play the sermons… even if you don’t find yourself listening wholeheartedly, turn on the worship music, use audio bible if that’s your thing, but by all means – feed your inner man. The Word of God will always produce fruit (Isaiah 55:11).
3. Live in the now – don’t overthink: I will be the first to raise my hand that I am an over thinker! Sometimes I stay in my head processing possible scenarios, what I could have done differently, how I can contribute to making things better, how are things going to work out, why I did what I did… and the list goes on. What I realize is the more I spend time processing and overthinking, the less time I have to hear if God is trying to say something to me. Fact is… He usually is! So, I’m a work-in-progress in this area, but I’m learning to let things be. You’d be surprised and how relieved we become when we remind ourselves that “the Lord directs the steps of the godly,” (Psalms 37:23) and allow God to work through our circumstances. “But what if I’m not godly?” Well, thankfully, we are made right with God through Christ and not our own godliness (2 Corinthians 5:21). Thank God that’s been taken care of! Whatever is ahead – God is already there… and as a good Father, He delights in every detail of my life! So… am I going to start writing often again and sharing more? I have no idea! I’m trying to live in the now and I will take days as they come.
4. Pray without ceasing: This may mean different things to different people. Some people see prayer as kneeling for hours, falling prostrate before God and making their requests known. I have every admiration for these types of people and have nothing against this modality. In fact, in my younger years, that is how I was taught to pray and did it religiously. Don’t get me wrong, the modality works but I do find however, that in challenging seasons, praying like this is hard to do… so instead of not praying at all, I started saying one-and-two liners that were directed at God, through Jesus, as I made my way throughout the day. It is all I can find strength to do. While driving, right before dealing with my young adults, when I’m unsure about what to make for dinner, or even just asking for help to get out of bed to face another day. One-liners… everyday… and in every situation… and I know He hears me! Prayer isn’t meant to be burdensome or religious; it is meant to be sincere, full of gratitude, wrapped in love and channeled to a Father who loves us unconditionally.
If you’re where I am today and can relate to seemingly senseless seasons, remember that our Dad makes all things beautiful in His time. Trust His love for you… trust that He will never leave you alone… and when life feels like nothing makes sense, turn to the One who holds you in the palm of His hands. #stayStrong #hangInThereFriend