
Our Approach

Mission and Principles

BecomingGodlyCharacters.org (BGC) is about creatively sharing testimonies and encouragement with the world. We believe that when we become more like our Father in Heaven, we will live more rewarding and purposeful lives.  Our principles are built on Hebrews 4:12 which tells us that, "the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires."

God's word is a life-changing tool and a pathway that helps us to understand how we should live and who we are in Christ. As doers of the Word, we learn how to love, serve, and connect as we become more like Jesus!

BGC’s primary mission is to share the Good News as well as to creatively design verses that can be used to encourage, motivate, and transform lives.  BGC aims to:

  • build awareness about who we are truly created to be;
  • inspire behavioral and attitudinal change through God-breathed Scripture;
  • promote Godly declarations that are in accordance with God’s Word. (2 Tim 3: 16).

Our Story


Keisha-Marie Edwards-Smith,
BGC Director

Meet the Director

I am a born-again believer and a Christian for more than 20 years. I am also a trained web graphic designer and an administrative professional located in Houston, TX.

My Passion
  • Sharing the Word of God as commissioned
  • Listening to worship music
  • Listening to and praying for others
  • Being in God's presence - it takes away my imperfections and I become complete in Him.
  • Spending time with family
  • Web and graphic designing
My Journey

I am quick to point out that my journey is filled with bumps and bruises – and this makes me quite normal. It is through my challenges that God reveals Himself and gives me experiences and insight for motivating and encouraging others.

The resources shared through BGC are my ways of reminding others that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength and that we are never alone.

Educational Background

For detailed information about my academic background, please visit my portfolio website here.

Keisha-Marie's Background and Food
Favorite Food

Loves Jamaican ackee and saltfish with fried dumplings and pear (Avocado). Yum!