The Just shall live by Faith

Being a single mom is hard and every day, I ask God for strength to face my battles.  Today, He showed me His love and reminded me of His goodness and mercy… I’d like to share in the event that this testimony can be of encouragement to you.  Psalms 23:6 says “…surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…” and Bethel’s song called ‘Goodness of God‘ is a wonderful affirmation that God’s goodness and mercy literally follows us everyday. We just need to believe it and walk in it – today’s testimony is my evidence of His goodness and mercy towards me.

I think that this testimony started last Friday when I started worshiping at home after dropping the girls off at school and returning home to have devotion.  The Holy Spirit had placed the song Goodness of God in my heart and I couldn’t stop singing it.  I found it on YouTube and played it over and over until I learned most of the words and it really started to minister to me.  By evening, after I had picked up the girls’ on their last day of school, I took them to the dentist then returned home and made dinner.   We ate and then all of us turned to our individual activities (electronics corner) being Friday and all.  I retired to my room and again the Holy Spirit prompted me to play the same song – Goodness of God – with the lyrics on the television on my room – I was obedient – before I knew it, one of my daughters joined me in the room and began singing with me.  We sang the same song over and over the the presence of God fell on us both in the room – my daughter had her own experience with God, raised her hand to heaven and we worshiped under the anointing of God – it was a joyous and cherished memory I will never forget – personally, I think it opened the door for what happened today!

We attended church and were reminded that the deadline for registering for Kids Camp at our church is June 3.  Now in my opinion – Kids Camp is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences you could ever give to children – from my own church camp experiences when I was about their age, I received a spiritual foundation and that became my motivation to learn how to seek God.  I really… really… REALLY… wanted to send both girls to get the experience but as a single mom with financial commitments, finding the $580 as camp fee for both girls was a challenge.  There was also the issue of one of my girls being fearful to go because she’s experiencing difficulties with swelling in both her wrists and kept telling herself she wouldn’t have fun because of her wrists. I kept praying for God to give me wisdom about sending her;  deep down,  I really wanted both girls to go because I believed that they would benefit spiritually from camp – children need a good spiritual foundation to build character and confidence if they are going to be the light of the world.

That being said, I moved in faith and registered the twin who really wanted to go on Saturday – she was elated to go but unhappy that she’d go without her sister.  Her faith led her to pray for God to give her sister courage to want to go.  She prayed on Saturday night and on Sunday morning, she kept nagging her sister to stir up her willingness to go.  For the entire drive from home to church, she begged and pleaded with her sister to attend camp with her and by the time we got out of the car and were walking towards the building, her sister said she wanted to go!  I was happy that she had changed her mind but also knew that I didn’t have the money to pay upfront for her to go.  I began to pray to God for help.

As a member of the prayer team at my church, we usually meet to pray about fifteen minutes before church begins – I got inside before the group gathered, and jumped on my phone to check if space was still available to register my second daughter.  I felt in my heart that I wanted her to go and I wanted to trust God to take care of it.  As the notices rolled on the digital screens, I saw the camp reminder that the deadline for camp registration was June 3 and right there and then I made a decision to register my second daughter using my credit card.  I prayed to God and told Him that I didn’t have the funds but I wanted her to go experience Him there! I didn’t know how I’d pay it back but I was willing to trust Him to pay it back!  God tells us that we should command Him according to His Word – It didn’t feel like I was commanding Him but more like reminding Him that my children being at camp will benefit His Kingdom-kind-of-request.  I told Him that He’ll have to find a way to help me pay it back because I couldn’t afford to pay for both children but I felt within my spirit that they needed to be there.   I registered her using my credit card, handed the receipt to God and joined the prayer team in praying for service.

As usual, praise and worship was amazing and Pastor Brett shared a powerful word about ‘Let it Go!’ – I was so immersed into the Word and serving with the prayer team afterwards that I forgot about my prayer and the registration receipt that I had given to God.  After church I started greeting some team members and after embracing our prayer team leader, she asked how I was doing and if I had anything planned for the summer.  I casually responded that I was okay, would be working for the summer and that I really wanted the girls to go to camp.  The Holy Spirit  began working through our conversation and the next thing I knew she was offering to sponsor one of my daughters to go to camp! I was ecstatic and overjoyed.  I shared with her how I had registered my second daughter on faith and how God had used her as an answer to my prayer.  We rejoiced together and I continue to give God thanks for her willingness and obedience, and for His answer to my prayer even before I left His sanctuary! He paid the bill!

God knows our hearts and He will never leave us nor forsake us.  I shared this testimony because I know that God is real and that He cares about you and me.  I know there are days when we feel we’re alone and we feel like God left us but I’m here to remind you that God sees you – He knows your heart – He feels your pain and He wants to help you!  If you reach out to Him, He’ll help you through whatever it is that troubles you… He knows how heavy your burdens are and He wants to help you carry them.  His yoke is easy and His burden is light!  Won’t you trust Him to help you? Be encouraged today and live in the goodness of God – the just will live by faith!

Here’s Goodness of God by Bethel Music! Live in the goodness of God! NOW Kids Camp – here come my daughters for a live-changing experience! Thank you Jesus!

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