Our Journey. Episode 6.

One night while I was still living in Jamaica, probably about seven years ago, I was closing my front door and looked up towards the sky (something I love to do, as if to find reassurance from Home)… for those of you who know me very well, you’ll remember that I’m from the ‘country’ and there are some things that a country girl can relate to… for example, at nights, there’s the sound of crickets chirping, there are also blinking “peeny-walley” as we call them, and another of my favorite things as a country girl is the ability to see stars because there aren’t many street lights to drown them out. As I closed the door and looked up to the sky, I thought to myself, “it would be so nice to see a shooting star… just for the sake of seeing it;” I hadn’t seen a shooting star for years and somehow, I felt like I just wanted to see one that night. I stared at the sky for about twenty seconds, hoping… wishing… that perhaps it would just happen in an instant… it didn’t! In my disappointment, I closed the door and went to bed… oh well!

The following night, I was doing my same routine of closing the front door before going to bed, only this time, I deliberately dismissed the thought of seeing a shooting star since it didn’t happen the night before. As I leaned forward to pull the door inward, I decided to take a glance at the sky and as I did, for a duration of about 5 seconds, I saw a star shooting downwards frantically as if to say, “you asked, now here you go… enjoy!” My eyes popped open, my mouth dropped, and my spirit quickened at the sight and awe that God did that just for me – my Heavenly Father was mindful of my disappointment and showed me a shooting star even without me asking Him directly. It was just a thought! That experience taught me a very important lesson that I hold dear even until today on our journey – God is not only concerned about us sharing His Gospel with the world… He’s also very concerned about our every thought, our feelings and our disappointments! He knows our hearts’ desires and nothing that happens to or in us takes Him by surprise.

Kerry’s diagnosis and sickness are no surprise to God; we know unreservedly that He did not give this sickness to her because sickness is the result of a broken and sinful world. In fact, God hates sicknesses and diseases… that’s why He sent Jesus to receive stripes for our healing – God wants us healed! Let me hasten to say that I am no expert on the topic of healing, and I cannot explain why some people are healed in this life while others aren’t. I can say however, that our family’s season of sickness is teaching me to walk in faith each day. As I share Our Journey and record how it all unfolds, I will continue to believe God and watch Him work in our lives as He manifests His healing power!

As our faith is being tested daily, there are some days that are darker than others with physical pain – Kerry’s daily symptoms include a lot of pain that sometimes don’t ease even with pain medication; prayers are constantly going up on her behalf. If God answered my innermost casual thought just to see a shooting star, how much more will He hear the prayers of so many of us who are sincerely intervening on Kerry’s behalf? I recently heard a speaker say, “when things are out of your control and there’s nothing that you can do, that’s a sign that the battle belongs to God.” I’d take this thought a step further and add that all our battles belong to God whether or not they seem out of control. Kerry’s cancer battle belongs to God – your battles (whatever they are) – belong to God! We believe that our Healing Jesus wants us healed and that we are healed by the Word of God. Let’s continue to look to Him for His help, healing, and intervention; He’s able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).

Intentional | Travis Greene

In ‘Our Journey, Episode 7,’ I will share with you how God’s presence lifts us in our time of weakness. Until then, walk good.

God bless you!


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2 Replies to “Our Journey. Episode 6.”

  1. I will agree……God wants to heal us. I was in deep meditation about Kerry over the weekend, to the point where I became engrossed by the thoughts of her pain, discomfort and weakness. It then appeared like I emerged from my ‘well of thoughts’, with the line, “She is coming out!”.

    I can ask…..what do I know? Well, I know that if I believe the report of the Lord, then it shall be so!

    Amen and Amen!

    1. And where two or more agree, it shall be done. Thank you for agreeing sis, thank You Jesus for Your plan of healing and restoration! To God be the glory, every time 🙏🏽🙌🏼👏🏼

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